Detoxification, general product information & effect
- Why is detoxification important?
- How do I detoxify my body?
- How does detoxification of the body work?
- What are zeolite and bentonite?
- What is ZeolithMED?
- What is ZeolithMED used for?
- Where does our zeolite come from?
- What is BentonitMED?
- What is BentonitMED used for?
- What is ZeoBentMED?
- What is ZeoBentMED used for?
- Can I use zeolite together with food supplements?
- The difference - Zeolite, Bentonite or ZeoBent?
- Which is better: Bentonite or Zeolite?
Medical device status & its significance
Restrictions & side effects
Application & dosage
Properties & features
Experience & studies
Order, dispatch & payment
- How fast is the delivery?
- How can I place an order?
- Which payment methods are offered?
- Where can I redeem my discount code?
- Does the delivery cost anything?
- Which shipping service provider is used?
- How can I cancel my purchase?
- I would like to return the goods. How should I proceed?
- I would like to make a complaint about an item, what do I have to do?
- I have received a damaged parcel, what should I do?
Detoxification, general product information & effect
Why is detoxification important?
With our modern diet, we unfortunately not only provide our bodies with valuable nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, but also ingest substances that can be harmful to our health in certain quantities. Such pollutants include environmental contaminants, such as heavy metals and aluminium, which can enter food via contamination of the air, water and soil. These pollutants have the unpleasant property of accumulating in the food chain. Furthermore, these substances can be found in our living and working environment, e.g. in medicines, cosmetics, household chemicals, dusts, vapours, paints, lacquers, solvents and disinfectants, technical equipment, water pipes and energy-saving lamps.
How do I detoxify my body?
A simple and popular detoxification option in naturopathy is to take natural minerals such as zeolite and bentonite in the form of independently tested products. These can bind harmful substances such as lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, aluminium and nickel in the digestive tract like a sponge. As these natural minerals themselves are insoluble in water and indigestible, they are simply excreted naturally with the bound harmful substances in the faeces via the intestines. This relieves the organism.
How does detoxification of the body work?
The natural minerals zeolite and bentonite contained in the independently tested products have, among other things, the special property of selectively absorbing certain harmful substances, such as lead (Pb2+), mercury (Hg2+), chromium (Cr3+), cadmium (Cd2+), aluminium (Al3+) and nickel (Ni2) in their natural cavities and release the minerals in the cavities, such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). Here is a simplified diagram of the detoxification principle:

What are zeolite and bentonite?
Zeolite and bentonite are natural minerals of volcanic origin with a high silicon content. There are more than 100 different types of zeolite. Clinoptilolite zeolite is used for health-promoting and medical purposes. This microporous tuff consists of a crystal lattice structure with cavities containing cations such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) has been used for natural detoxification since ancient times and is known for its effective pollutant-binding properties. After the reactor disaster in Chernobyl, for example, 500,000 tonnes of clinoptilolite zeolite were used to encase the reactor and to decontaminate water, soil, objects, animals and people.
What is ZeolithMED?
ZeolithMED are independently tested products with CE certification made from natural clinoptilolite zeolite for ingestion - without any additives. In our online shop we offer ZeolithMED detox powder and ultra-fine powder as well as ZeolithMED detox capsules with purely plant-based capsule shells. For proper storage, you can choose between high-quality tins and violet glass jars.
What is ZeolithMED used for?
Increased exposure to heavy metals can cause a variety of physical complaints, with headaches and fatigue being just two possible examples. The natural medical product ZeolithMED can therefore make an important contribution to your health. Like a sponge, ZeolithMED selectively binds harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and removes them from the body naturally. The indigestible ZeolithMED is excreted naturally with the bound pollutants via the bowel without burdening the metabolism. By binding e.g. lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, aluminium and nickel, ZeolithMED can help to relieve the organism.
You can find more information about ZeolithMED here.
Where does our zeolite come from?
Zeolite deposits can be found on every continent. The closest, high-quality clinoptilolite zeolite deposits in the EU can be found in the Carpathian Mountains, where our zeolite also comes from. The zeolite deposits are mined in open-cast mines. The quality testing of our zeolite raw material is carried out in German testing laboratories. ZeolithMED and the zeolite products in the "Natural Cosmetics" section are manufactured in Germany.
What is BentonitMED?
BentonitMED are independently tested products with CE certification made from natural montmorillonite bentonite for ingestion - without any additives. BentonitMED Detox Powder and BentonitMED Detox Capsules are available with purely plant-based capsule shells. Bentonite in pharmacy quality, approved and monitored by a state notified body, is available from us as BentonitMED in tins and violet jars.
You can find more information about BentonitMed here.
What is BentonitMED used for?
BentonitMED can selectively bind harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract like a sponge and eliminate them from the body naturally. The indigestible BentonitMED is excreted naturally with the bound pollutants via the bowel without burdening the metabolism. By binding e.g. heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium) and aluminium, BentonitMED can reduce symptoms such as tiredness and headaches associated with high levels of heavy metals. BentonitMED forms a thin protective film of montmorillonite gel when administered orally. This protective gel film gently coats the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which can reduce the effect of pathogenic factors. BentonitMED is therefore particularly suitable for detoxifying sensitive mucous membranes in the digestive tract.
You can find more information about BentonitMED here.
What is ZeoBentMED?
ZeoBentMED are independently tested products and mixtures of natural clinoptilolite zeolite and montmorillonite bentonite for ingestion - completely additive-free and CE-certified. There are ZeoBentMED detox powders and ultrafine powders as well as ZeoBentMED detox capsules with purely plant-based capsule shells.
You can find more information about ZeoBentMED here.
What is ZeoBentMED used for?
For all those who can't decide which mineral is better suited to their detox programme, we have the perfect choice: ZeoBentMED. Our popular mixtures of zeolite and bentonite powder combine the properties of both volcanic minerals. Together, these two natural minerals can support the elimination of harmful substances and thus make a valuable contribution to protecting your health.
Due to its crystal lattice structure, natural clinoptilolite zeolite has a high selective adsorption capacity and molecular sieving functions for various substances. Montmorillonite bentonite has the ability to bind various pollutants on its surface and in the spaces between the layers. It is swellable and forms a thin montmorillonite gel protective film when administered orally. This protective gel film coats the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which can reduce the effect of pathogenic factors.
ZeoBentMED can alleviate symptoms caused by increased exposure to heavy metals, including headaches and fatigue. The natural, independently tested product made from zeolite and bentonite can bind harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract like a sponge and eliminate them from the body naturally. ZeoBentMED is excreted naturally with the bound harmful substances via the bowel without burdening the metabolism. By binding e.g. heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel) and aluminium, ZeoBentMED can relieve the organism. The natural montmorillonite gel film of the bentonite it contains has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
You can find more information about ZeoBentMED here.
Can I use zeolite together with food supplements?
No negative effects on the vitamin and mineral balance are known from scientific studies, application observations and practical experience in naturopathy. Nevertheless, we recommend taking zeolite and food supplements separately to ensure the best possible absorption. The food supplement should be taken about 2 hours before taking zeolite so that it has sufficient time to be processed by the metabolism.
The difference - zeolite, bentonite or ZeoBent?
Zeolite and bentonite are both known as effective pollutant binders. The difference lies in the mineralogical structure. Zeolite, as a microporous tuff rock, has a crystal lattice structure with cavities and bentonite, as a clay mineral, has a layered structure that swells in water and forms a gel film. This is also known as a montmorillonite protective gel film. When taken orally, the protective gel film of bentonite gently coats the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which can reduce the effect of pathogenic factors. BentonitMED is therefore particularly suitable for detoxifying sensitive mucous membranes in the digestive tract.
Due to the different structure of the two minerals, there are also differences when stirring zeolite and bentonite powder into water: add the specified amount of zeolite powder to a glass of water, stir briefly and the suspension is ready to drink. As a clay mineral, bentonite powder is very finely powdered, comparable to flour or custard powder, which tends to stick to the spoon and container. However, bentonite powder can also be easily dispersed in water with the help of a whisk. If you want to use zeolite and bentonite at the same time, you can use the ready-to-use mixture ZeoBentMED, which combines the properties of both volcanic minerals. Experience has shown that both minerals complement and reinforce each other in their effect.
The three products ZeolithMED, BentonitMED and ZeoBentMED share common characteristics: they all have laboratory-tested quality, are approved as medical products, are therefore CE-certified and are under the supervision of an external testing centre. The products are available from us as powders or vegan detox capsules, in tins or violet jars
Which is better: bentonite or zeolite?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Both minerals, known as effective pollutant binders, have been used successfully for many years and have already helped numerous users. Zeolite powder is easier and quicker to mix in water. However, if you have a sensitive gastrointestinal mucosa that is prone to inflammation, the protective gel film of the fine powdered clay mineral bentonite could be helpful. This protective gel film is created, for example, when bentonite powder is whisked or stirred into water. If it is drunk, the protective gel film of the bentonite gently coats the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which can reduce the effect of pathogenic factors. BentonitMED is therefore recommended for sensitive mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
Ultimately, in addition to individual needs, preference also determines which mineral is perceived as better. Decisive factors here include personal perception and the preferred method of intake. Some people prefer a combination of both minerals in order to achieve optimum results. For these people we offer ZeoBentMED, our blended product of zeolite and bentonite powder.
Medical device status & its significance
What does the CE mark mean?
The CE mark on a medical device indicates that the product complies with the applicable legal requirements of the European Union, in particular with regard to safety, health protection and performance. It indicates that the product has been properly tested and fulfils the specific requirements and standards of the EU. For medical devices, this means that they are safe and effective and fulfil the specified quality standards.
The four-digit identification number after the CE mark (e.g. CE 0477) stands for the manufacturer's notified body.
Are zeolite and bentonite food supplements?
No, these natural minerals are not food or nutritional supplements. They are often falsely labelled as such.
In the European Union, the internal use of zeolite and bentonite requires appropriate independent testing. One of the reasons for this is that zeolite and bentonite are not legally authorised as food or food supplements in the EU. Zeolite and bentonite may therefore not be labelled as foods or food supplements, but may only be offered and sold in the form of medical products for ingestion or consumption.
Which zeolite and bentonite is suitable for ingestion?
Zeolite and bentonite are available in different qualities for different purposes. In the European Union, the internal use of zeolite and bentonite in humans requires appropriate testing as an oral product. The manufacturer uses an independent test to prove the suitability, safety and effectiveness of its zeolite and bentonite products for internal use in humans. They are labelled with the "CE mark" including the 4-digit number of the notified body (CE 0477).
Not every zeolite and bentonite is suitable for internal use. There are different types of zeolite and bentonite for a wide variety of applications, e.g. for decontamination in waste management and the nuclear industry, for wastewater treatment, as an auxiliary material in the construction, paper, ceramics or mineral oil industries, in detergents, as bedding for cats and farm animals, as a feed additive for livestock and pets or as a soil additive and soil conditioner in agriculture, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Each sector has its own quality requirements.
We supply zeolite and bentonite powder exclusively in the form of CE-approved medical products for internal use.
Why shouldn't you buy cheap zeolite or cheap bentonite for internal use?
Low-cost suppliers of zeolite and bentonite products do not provide instructions for human ingestion because the products are not intended for this purpose. Zeolite or bentonite without CE labelling are not verifiably subject to control and approval by a neutral, external testing body. Neither traceability nor the avoidance of impurities in the manufacturing process can be guaranteed.
It is therefore advisable to rely on independently tested medical devices. Only successful CE authorisation guarantees that the products can be taken without hesitation and are also tested for safety and efficacy.
Restrictions & side effects
Who are zeolite, bentonite and ZeoBentMED suitable for?
Zeolite, bentonite and ZeoBentMED are suitable for all people who are exposed to pollutants or suffer from an increased heavy metal load.
The signs of heavy metal exposure vary from person to person, with headaches and fatigue being common symptoms. Many users have already had positive experiences with detoxification cures using natural minerals such as zeolite and bentonite.
Who are these products not suitable for?
Use in patients with existing constipation and impaired kidney function may only be carried out after consultation with a doctor. This also applies to drug therapy or chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Are the products suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children?
As the manufacturer of the CE-certified medical products ZeolithMED, BentonitMED and ZeoBentMED, we would like to point out that pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents (under the age of 18) must consult their doctor before use. There are not yet enough scientific studies for this patient group to be able to recommend safe use.
Is it safe to take zeolite and bentonite?
Yes, if zeolite and bentonite are used in the form of independently tested oral products. The independent testing of ZeolithMED, BentonitMED and ZeoBentMED as an oral product stands for the safety, performance and tested quality of the products.
Are there any undesirable side effects?
Despite the 100% natural composition of our medicinal products, zeolite and bentonite can occasionally cause side effects. Constipation may occur, particularly in the initial phase of intake, which can be minimised by drinking sufficient fluids and adjusting the dose. Rarely, flatulence, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness and tiredness may also occur at the beginning of use or at the start of the detoxification process.
Are there any intolerances?
Incompatibilities, allergies and intolerances can cause unpleasant reactions in the body - but usually relate to food. However, zeolite and bentonite are not foodstuffs.
Although our certified medical products are taken orally, the minerals are not absorbed or metabolised in the gastrointestinal tract, but are completely excreted. People react individually to different substances and in rare cases side effects such as constipation can occur. Different reactions due to the detoxification process are also common.
See also: Are there any undesirable side effects?
Application & dosage
What is important for first-time users?
The instructions for use on the label should be followed exactly. They describe exactly how to use each product and how long to take it. We advise you to drink plenty of fluids while taking the medicinal product to prevent constipation.
What is important when taking medication?
A time interval of at least 2 hours should be observed after taking medication. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, take medication before taking clinoptilolite zeolite or montmorillonite bentonite.
Dosage examples
Powder and ultra-fine powder can simply be stirred into a glass of water (250 ml) and drunk with a meal. When stirring the fine powdered bentonite powder into water, the use of a whisk, stirrer or whisk is very helpful.
The dosage varies depending on the selected mineral and degree of fineness. Here is an example using ZeolithMED:
Zeolite powder: | 1 level teaspoon (=2 g) 2-3 times a day |
Zeolite powder ultra-fine: | 2-3 times a day ½ levelled teaspoon (= 1 g) |
Zeolite capsules: | 2 capsules 2-3 times a day |
Please follow the instructions for use, which can be found directly on the label.
Examples of quantity requirements
Zeolite powder: | e.g. 1 level teaspoon (=2 g) 3 times a day = 6 g x 60 days = 360 g powder |
Zeolite powder ultra-fine: | e.g. ½ teaspoon (= 1 g) 3 times a day = 3 g x 60 days = 180 g ultra-fine powder |
Zeolite capsules: | 2 capsules 3 times a day = 6 capsules x 60 days = 360 capsules |
Are the products suitable for external use?
Zeolite is also available from us for external use in natural cosmetics as ZeolithMED toothpaste and skin cream. Further examples of external applications for zeolite and bentonite powder:
- as body and foot powder
- as a bath additive for full baths (1 tbsp) and foot baths (1 tsp) to soften the water
- as a poultice, mix with water to a paste, apply to affected areas, cover with compresses and leave to work overnight, for example
- for skin care, take a pinch of ultra-fine powder in the palm of your hand, mix with skin care cream and apply as usual
- for masks, mix 1 teaspoon of powder with a little water, apply a thin layer and rinse off after 10 - 15 minutes
Properties & features
What is the right grain size?
Zeolite and bentonite are available in different grain sizes - from fine powdery to slightly crumbly-sandy. The smaller the particle size, the more effective the pollutant binding and the lower the dosage. The larger the grain sizes, the higher the dosages required. For example, a very fine zeolite with average grain sizes of less than 10 micrometres is specified with a daily dosage of up to 1.5 grams and a coarser-grained zeolite with average grain sizes of less than 40 micrometres with a daily dosage of 4 to 6 grams. Both grain sizes "work". So everyone can choose their favourite grain size according to personal preference and the purpose of the application.
Testing the particle size distribution is an important part of the incoming goods inspection of our raw materials. According to laboratory test reports, the average particle sizes of our natural mineral powders are approx. 35 micrometres (35 µm) = 35,000 nanometres for our ZeolithMED, approx. 9 micrometres (9 µm) = 9,000 nanometres for our ZeolithMED ultrafine and approx. 16 micrometres (16 µm) = 16,000 nanometres for our bentonite.
And what about nanoparticles?
The grain size of zeolite and bentonite should not be too small. This means that they should not contain any nanoparticles. According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the research literature shows no cases in which the vascular walls of the digestive tract would absorb or allow inorganic nanoparticles to pass through. As a precautionary measure to exclude possible risks, we use zeolite and bentonite with particle sizes in the micrometre range in our natural products. For clarification: 1 micrometre = 1000 nanometres or 1 nanometre = 0.001 micrometres.
Powder or capsules?
Powder is drunk mixed in water, i.e. you need a teaspoon and a drinking vessel. The flavour can be described as slightly dusty to earthy.
Capsules, which are taken with water, are ideal for travelling and make dosing particularly easy. They are also an alternative for those who do not like the flavour of natural minerals. Our capsule shells are purely plant-based (vegan) and without any additives or admixtures.
Powder mixed in water and drunk works throughout the digestive tract. The plant-based capsule shells are not enteric-coated, which means that the capsules release their contents from the stomach, so that the effect of the powder they contain starts from the stomach. If the effect is also required in the upper digestive tract, i.e. in the oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus and stomach, the powder should be selected.
Zeolite powder or ultrafine powder?
We have zeolite in two different grain sizes: as a powder or ultra-fine powder. The slightly coarser powder leaves a slightly crumbly feeling, as is familiar from classic healing earths. The somewhat finer ultra-fine powder is "crumb-free". The dosage is also different. For example, a level teaspoon of the powder is used compared to only half a teaspoon of the finer ultra-fine powder.
Tin or violet glass?
Proper storage is important to us. That's why we have generated two options for you to choose from, depending on your personal preferences. The high-quality material of the plasticiser-free tins is impermeable and lightweight, making them ideal for our natural minerals. Before you use our product for the first time, you can easily confirm its originality by removing the sealing strip. The tin can then be resealed tightly.
The second packaging option is dark purple glass, also known as Miron glass, and offers protection in a class of its own: it also cannot react with its contents, give off any flavour or absorb any odours. Thanks to their wide opening, our jars are easy to refill.
What is the shelf life of zeolite and bentonite?
The raw materials zeolite and bentonite remain unchanged for many years under constant storage conditions. The shelf life of our medical products has been confirmed at 5 years and is therefore limited to this period. Please note the expiry date on the label.
Experience & studies
How long have you had experience with zeolite and bentonite?
Earth in the form of healing clay made from rock powder, clay, peat, loam, loess, mud and bog has been used as a gentle, natural remedy since time immemorial. Zeolite was discovered in 1756 by the Swedish mineralogist and chemist Baron Axel Frederick Cronstedt. The molecular structure of zeolites has been known since the 1920s, which made it possible to use them for ion exchange. As there were not enough natural zeolites available in the 1950s, synthetic zeolites were produced in the laboratory. Today, natural zeolites are also mined in large quantities and of good quality. Around 1890, the American geologist Knight discovered a clay deposit in Wyoming (USA) near Fort Benton, which was named "bentonite" after the place where it was found. In addition to its accompanying minerals such as quartz, feldspar, mica and calcite, montmorillonite is its most important component, which was named after its deposit near Montmorillon in southern France. Like zeolite, bentonite is also mined in large quantities and used in a wide variety of areas.
Are there any studies and observational studies?
Yes, if you enter search terms such as "zeolites", "bentonite" or "montmorillonite" into the scientific database "PubMed", which is well accepted by the scientific community, thousands of scientific studies from a wide range of applications, including medical applications, are listed. Detoxification therapies are an important part of naturopathy due to increasing pollution, and natural minerals that bind pollutants such as zeolite and bentonite are increasingly being used. Thanks to the tireless work of Prof. em. Prof. Dr med. habil. Karl Hecht, a German doctor, scientist and university lecturer who specialises in zeolite and bentonite, these two natural minerals are also becoming increasingly well-known in this country. In recent years, he has published several scientifically sound books (see book recommendations) on the effects and health-promoting use of zeolite and bentonite.
Book recommendations on zeolite and bentonite
- „Healing nature and wildlife through the use of natural zeolite“
- Karl Hecht (2017) Paperback, 160 pages, ISBN 978-3887785024
- „Healing nature and wildlife through the use of natural zeolite“
- Karl Hecht and Peter Ferreira (2017) Paperback, 488 pages, ISBN 978-3895397172
- „Answers to 100 questions about the health-promoting effects of natural zeolite“
- Karl Hecht (2015), paperback, 95 pages, ISBN 978-3-88778-446-1
- „Zeolite - vitality through the primary rock: prevention - detox hygiene - ecology“
- Karl Hecht (2015), Hardcover edition, 335 pages, ISBN 978-3-88778-433-1
- „Clinoptilolite zeolite: silicon minerals and health“
- Elena Hecht-Savoley and Karl Hecht (2008), Hardcover edition, 247 pages, ISBN 978-3-88778-322-8
- „Natural minerals, regulation, health: compendium; primary mineral silicon, natural clinoptilolite zeolite, montmorillonite and other natural active ingredients“
- Elena Hecht-Savoley and Karl Hecht (2008) Paperback, 424 pages, ISBN 978-3937895055
How do we differ from other zeolite manufacturers?
We specialise in zeolite and bentonite. Since 2010, we have been both a manufacturer and a distributor of our ZeolithMED, BentonitMED and ZeoBentMED detox powders, capsules and natural cosmetics via our online shop. It goes without saying that we have also been certified as a manufacturer in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13485, the European standard for quality management systems for the manufacture of independently tested products and associated services.
Order, dispatch & payment
How fast is the delivery?
Orders within Germany usually arrive within 1-2 working days. We endeavour to deliver all orders received by 14:00 on the same day (Monday - Friday).
Further information on delivery and dispatch here.
How can I place an order?
You can find instructions on how to order here. If you do not wish to order via the webshop, we will also be happy to take your order by telephone on +49 (0)371 820 59 75.
Which payment methods are offered?
- Purchase on account (only for Germany, Austria)
- Prepayment
- Instant bank transfer
- Direct debit/bank debit (only possible with an account in Germany or Austria)
- PayPal
- Amazon Payments
- Credit card
- Debit cards
- Cash payment
You can find more information on payment here.
Where can I redeem my discount code?
The discount code can be entered in the shopping basket under "Apply discount code". Simply enter your valid discount code and click on "Apply". The discount will now be applied automatically.
Does the delivery cost anything?
Shipping costs are charged in our online shop to ensure that your order is delivered to you safely and reliably. You can find the prices here.
Which shipping service provider is used?
Delivery is by DHL and Deutsche Post.
How can I cancel my purchase?
You can find all details on the cancellation provisions in our GTC point 19. WITHDRAWAL POLICY & WITHDRAWAL FORM
I would like to return the goods. How should I proceed?
If you wish to return the goods, please follow the steps below:
- make sure the items are still in their original packaging (sealed with security tab).
- you have a 30-day right of return, without the need to give a reason.
- select a shipping service provider of your choice to carry out the return. The costs for the return shipment are to be borne by you.
- be sure to enclose the delivery note or invoice so that we can correctly allocate the return.
- send the goods to the following return address:
ZeoBent Produktions GmbH
Eichendorffstraße 35
D-09131 Chemnitz
I would like to make a complaint about an item, what do I have to do?
If you wish to make a complaint about an item, please contact our customer service. You can reach us by telephone on +49 (0)371 820 59 75 or by e-mail at info@zeolith-bentonit-versand.de. Our team will deal with your enquiry and provide you with the best possible assistance.
I have received a damaged parcel, what should I do?
If an item is damaged during shipping, please send us photos of the packaging to info@zeolith-bentonit-versand.de and provide us with your order number at the same time. Once we have received this information, we will explain the next steps to you.